If you are a student or an individual interested in our programs, you can apply online anytime

1. Obtain approval from your home institution to spend time and study, tour or volunteer at Logel Science Foundation

If you are an exchange student you must first be nominated by your home university or institution. If you are a student or an individual interested in our programs, you can apply online anytime (aim for two months before you wish to start your study or volunteering). You can also get help from our team. We can advise you on the programs and the activities you are interested in and the country as well. Remember, Uganda is in the East African community, we can also arrange any programs that you might be interested in other East African countries.

2. Check if you meet entry requirements

You must:

  • Be a high school graduate or enrolled in a university or college or an adult of more than 18 years of age
  • Be willing to volunteer basing on what you are interested in
  • If English is not your first language, we expect at least to know English because Uganda uses English as an official language

3. Choose your programs, courses and the area of your interest

You can choose from more than one study area or activities but there are a few things you need to consider including

  • Getting the right start date
  • Making sure you meet prerequisites
  • Knowing your course codes/programs
  • Selecting the right level of study
  • Choosing your campus or any projects or NGOs that you might be interested in

4. Duration of exchange

The duration of student exchange or volunteering may be limited to a minimum of one month to a maximum of 4 months (or one semester) in case of a student. The exchange for PhD students may vary

5. Submit your online application

The applicant will receive application instructions after they have been nominated or have been approved to travel to Uganda and Logel accepted your application. We have a number of partner organizations and institutions we work with, we can place you in those organizations if you are interested. You will need to fill in the application and all supporting documents and all the necessary documents. If a student, we shall need your certified academic documents and we shall send you the invitation letter.

6. Accept your offer & apply for a visa

Access the program application form to accept your offer. We will send you a Confirmation of Enrolment or acceptance to be hosted at Logel Science Foundation in collaboration with our partner organizations which you can use to apply for a visa for entry into Uganda.

Willing volunteer, tourists, students from all Institutions and stakeholders that are willing to learn from our experiences and the country as well

Program Areas

The program covers a full range of areas to help you succeed in your current and future undertakings

  • Academic and personal counselling
  • Career advice // Social support services
  • Mentoring
  • Disability and inclusion services
  • Health services
  • Legal advice
  • Accommodation support
  • International student services
  • Language and learning assistance
  • On-arrival welcome
  • Orientation activities

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